TED Talks(英語 日本語字幕付き動画)
TED日本語 - クリス・バーカード: 凍て付く海でサーフィンをする喜び
TED Talks
The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
Chris Burkard

So if I told you that this was the face of pure joy, would you call me crazy? I wouldn't blame you, because every time I look at this Arctic selfie, I shiver just a little bit. I want to tell you a little bit about this photograph.
I was swimming around in the Lofoten Islands in Norway, just inside the Arctic Circle, and the water was hovering right at freezing. The air? A brisk -10 with windchill, and I could literally feel the blood trying to leave my hands, feet and face, and rush to protect my vital organs. It was the coldest I've ever been. But even with swollen lips, sunken eyes, and cheeks flushed red, I have found that this place right here is somewhere I can find great joy.
Now, when it comes to pain, psychologist Brock Bastian probably said it best when he wrote, "Pain is a kind of shortcut to mindfulness. It makes us suddenly aware of everything in the environment. It brutally draws us in to a virtual sensory awareness of the world much like meditation."
If shivering is a form of meditation, then I would consider myself a monk. (Laughter)
Now, before we get into the why would anyone ever want to surf in freezing cold water? I would love to give you a little perspective on what a day in my life can look like.
(Video) Man: I mean, I know we were hoping for good waves, but I don't think anybody thought that was going to happen. I can't stop shaking. I am so cold.
Chris Burkard: So, surf photographer, right? I don't even know if it's a real job title, to be honest. My parents definitely didn't think so when I told them at 19 I was quitting my job to pursue this dream career: blue skies, warm tropical beaches, and a tan that lasts all year long. I mean, to me, this was it. Life could not get any better. Sweating it out, shooting surfers in these exotic tourist destinations. But there was just this one problem. You see, the more time I spent traveling to these exotic locations, the less gratifying it seemed to be. I set out seeking adventure, and what I was finding was only routine. It was things like wi-fi, TV, fine dining, and a constant cellular connection that to me were all the trappings of places heavily touristed in and out of the water, and it didn't take long for me to start feeling suffocated.
I began craving wild, open spaces, and so I set out to find the places others had written off as too cold, too remote, and too dangerous to surf, and that challenge intrigued me. I began this sort of personal crusade against the mundane, because if there's one thing I've realized, it's that any career, even one as seemingly glamorous as surf photography, has the danger of becoming monotonous.
So in my search to break up this monotony, I realized something: There's only about a third of the Earth's oceans that are warm, and it's really just that thin band around the equator. So if I was going to find perfect waves, it was probably going to happen somewhere cold, where the seas are notoriously rough, and that's exactly where I began to look. And it was my first trip to Iceland that I felt like I found exactly what I was looking for.
I was blown away by the natural beauty of the landscape, but most importantly, I couldn't believe we were finding perfect waves in such a remote and rugged part of the world. At one point, we got to the beach only to find massive chunks of ice had piled on the shoreline. They created this barrier between us and the surf, and we had to weave through this thing like a maze just to get out into the lineup. and once we got there, we were pushing aside these ice chunks trying to get into waves. It was an incredible experience,one I'll never forget, because amidst those harsh conditions, I felt like I stumbled onto one of the last quiet places, somewhere that I found a clarity and a connection with the world I knew I would never find on a crowded beach.
I was hooked. I was hooked. (Laughter) Cold water was constantly on my mind, and from that point on, my career focused on these types of harsh and unforgiving environments, and it took me to places like Russia, Norway, Alaska, Iceland, Chile, the Faroe Islands, and a lot of places in between. And one of my favorite things about these places was simply the challenge and the creativity it took just to get there: hours, days, weeks spent on Google Earth trying to pinpoint any remote stretch of beach or reef we could actually get to. And once we got there, the vehicles were just as creative: snowmobiles, six-wheel Soviet troop carriers, and a couple of super-sketchy helicopter flights. (Laughter) Helicopters really scare me, by the way.
There was this one particularly bumpy boat ride up the coast of Vancouver Island to this kind of remote surf spot, where we ended up watching helplessly from the water as bears ravaged our camp site. They walked off with our food and bits of our tent, clearly letting us know that we were at the bottom of the food chain and that this was their spot, not ours. But to me, that trip was a testament to the wildness I traded for those touristy beaches.
Now, it wasn't until I traveled to Norway -- (Laughter) -- that I really learned to appreciate the cold. So this is the place where some of the largest, the most violent storms in the world send huge waves smashing into the coastline. We were in this tiny, remote fjord, just inside the Arctic Circle. It had a greater population of sheep than people, so help if we needed it was nowhere to be found. I was in the water taking pictures of surfers, and it started to snow. And then the temperature began to drop. And I told myself, there's not a chance you're getting out of the water. You traveled all this way, and this is exactly what you've been waiting for: freezing cold conditions with perfect waves. And although I couldn't even feel my finger to push the trigger, I knew I wasn't getting out. So I just did whatever I could. I shook it off, whatever. But that was the point that I felt this wind gush through the valley and hit me, and what started as this light snowfall quickly became a full-on blizzard, and I started to lose perception of where I was. I didn't know if I was drifting out to sea or towards shore, and all I could really make out was the faint sound of seagulls and crashing waves.
Now, I knew this place had a reputation for sinking ships and grounding planes, and while I was out there floating, I started to get a little bit nervous. Actually, I was totally freaking out -- (Laughter) -- and I was borderline hypothermic, and my friends eventually had to help me out of the water. And I don't know if it was delirium setting in or what, but they told me later I had a smile on my face the entire time.
Now, it was this trip and probably that exact experience where I really began to feel like every photograph was precious, because all of a sudden in that moment, it was something I was forced to earn. And I realized, all this shivering had actually taught me something: In life, there are no shortcuts to joy. Anything that is worth pursuing is going to require us to suffer just a little bit, and that tiny bit of suffering that I did for my photography, it added a value to my work that was so much more meaningful to me than just trying to fill the pages of magazines. See, I gave a piece of myself in these places, and what I walked away with was a sense of fulfillment I had always been searching for.
So I look back at this photograph. It's easy to see frozen fingers and cold wetsuits and even the struggle that it took just to get there, but most of all, what I see is just joy.
Thank you so much.

もし私が この写真は 喜んでいる顔だと言ったら クレイジーだと感じるかもしれません でも怒ったりしません この北極での自撮り写真を見ると いつも寒気がします 今日はこの写真について お話しします
ノルウェーのロフォーテン諸島周辺で 泳いでおり 北極圏の内側にありますが 水は凍結寸前です 空気は冷たく マイナス10度 そして文字通り手・脚・顔から 血の気が引いていくのを感じます 重要な臓器を守るためです 経験した中で最低の気温です 唇は腫れて 目はくぼみ 頬は赤くなりましたが ここは とても楽しい所だと気付いたのです
ところで 痛みに関して 心理学者のブロック・バスティアンは 最も適切な表現をしたと思います 「痛みとは集中力への近道である 周りにある全ての物を気付かせてくれる 容赦なく 瞑想のような世界の気付きへと導いてくれる」
身震いが瞑想の形だとすれば 私は修道士と言えるでしょう (笑)
身も凍る海でサーフィンをしたい と何故 誰も思わなかったのか という話の前に 映像をお見せしたいと思います 私の一日です
良い波を探しているけど 予測不能だと思う 震えが止まらない とても寒い
サーフィンの写真家です 果たして そんな肩書きがあるのか 分かりません 両親は認めてくれませんでした 19才のとき この夢の仕事をする為 仕事を辞めるんだと言った時です 青い空 温暖なトロピカルビーチ そして一年中残る日焼け これ以上は望めない無い生活です 魅力的な観光地の誘惑に負けず サーファーを撮影するのです でも一つだけ問題があります 魅力的な土地を旅する程に 満足感は減っていくのです 冒険を探し始めても 辿り着くのはありふれた場所で それは Wi-Fi ・テレビ・高級料理や いつでも繋がる携帯電話がある 有名な観光地の証でした 水の中も外もです そしてすぐに息苦しくなりました
そしてより広大な自然を求めはじめ 誰も記していない場所を探し始めました とても寒く とても辺ぴで サーフィンには危険すぎる このチャレンジにそそられました 平凡への革命という挑戦を始めたのです 一つ気付いたことがあります どんな職業でも言えることかもしれません サーフィンの写真家は一見華やかに見えますが 単調になる危険があります
この退屈さを壊す方法を 探しながら気付いたのは 暖い海は地球上の海の 3分の1しかありません 赤道周囲の狭い海域だけです 完璧な波を探しに行こうと思えば 寒いところに行くことにもなるでしょう 海は最悪に荒れているかもしれません そしてそれは事実であると判りました 初めて行った アイスランドで 求めていたものを見付けたと感じました
自然の美しい風景に圧倒されました しかし重要なのは こんな辺境の地で 完璧な波を見つけられると思わなかったことです そして浜に到着すると 海岸線にはびっくりする程 大量の氷がありました サーフィンへの障壁です 迷路のような氷をぬって行くのです 波打ち際まで出て 海に入ると 波に乗るために氷を押し退けて進むのです とてつもない経験です 一生忘れられないでしょう このような厳しい環境下で 「最後の静寂な所」に 偶然辿り着いたと感じました 頭脳が鮮明になり世界と繋がりを感じます 混雑した海では得られません
もう病み付きです (笑) 絶えず冷たい水が意識にあります それからというもの このような厳しい環境に焦点を合わせていて ロシア・ノルウェー・アラスカ アイスランド・チリ フェロー諸島などに行きました これらの土地で好きなところは 単に挑戦であること そして辿り着くまでの創造性です Google Earth で何日も何週間も 辿り着けそうな 辺境の 岩礁や浜を探索します そして目的地に辿り着けば 乗り物まで創造的です スノーモービルや 6輪のソビエト製装甲車 そして 超不安なヘリコプター (笑) ヘリコプターは本当に恐怖でした
ここではボートに乗って 激流を登りました バンクーバー島の 人里離れたサーフ場では どうすることもできず 見守ることしかできません 熊がテントを破壊するところをです 熊は食料とテントの一部を持って行きました 食物連鎖の最下層にいることを 思い知らされました 彼等の場所で我々のものではないのです でも この旅は 賑やかなビーチと引き換えに得た 野生の証しと言えます
これはノルウェーに行ったときの写真です 寒いということを本当に理解しました そう ここは 世界で最も強烈な嵐が発生し 海岸線に巨大な波が押し寄せる場所です 北極圏にある僻地のフィヨルドにいます 人間より羊の個体数が断然多く 助けを求めたくても呼べません サーファーの写真を撮る為に 海中にいたところ 雪が降り始めました そして気温が下り始めたのです 地上に上がるべきではない と言い聞かせました わざわざ旅をして 待ちに待った状況だろう 凍て付く状況と完璧な波だ シャッターを切る指は 感覚がなくなっていましたが 出ないと決めたのです 指を動かしたり できることはやりました 気付いたときには 谷から吹き荒れる風に打たれ 小降りだった雪は吹雪に変りました そして視界はなくなりました 沖に流されているのか岸に向かっているのか さっぱりわかりませんでした かすかに聞こえるカモメの声と 押し寄せる波で何とかなりました
ここは船が沈没したり 飛行機が墜落する有名な場所です 漂っている間は少し不安にもなりましたが 実際びびってました (笑) そして低体温症の直前で 友人に助け出してもらいました 精神錯乱状態になっていたのかもしれません 後になって教えてもらったのですが ずっと笑っていたようです
これが私の旅です まさにこの経験を通して感じたことは 貴重な写真は全て その瞬間に追い込まれたからこそ 得られたものだからです そしてこの身震いする寒さは 人生において 喜びは近道しては得られない ことを教えてくれました 追いかける価値があるものは 苦しみを必要とするかもしれない 少しだけです ほんの少しの苦しみが この写真にあります 苦しみは私の仕事に価値を与え より意味のあるものになります 雑誌のページを埋めることよりもです 厳しい環境に自分の身を置いて ずっと探していた 充足感の様な物を持ち帰れるのです
この写真を見返すと 凍り付いた指と冷いウエットスーツを 思い出します そこに辿り着くまでの 苦労さえ思い出します でも何よりも感じるのは 喜びです
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