![TED日本語 - ロベルト・ダンジェロ + フランチェスカ・フェデリ: 我が子の病気から学んだ人生の教訓](https://digitalcast.jp/video/v_top/ted/img01.jpg)
TED Talks(英語 日本語字幕付き動画)
TED日本語 - ロベルト・ダンジェロ + フランチェスカ・フェデリ: 我が子の病気から学んだ人生の教訓
TED Talks
In our baby's illness, a life lesson
ロベルト・ダンジェロ + フランチェスカ・フェデリ
Roberto D'Angelo + Francesca Fedeli
Francesca Fedeli: Ciao.
So he's Mario. He's our son. He was born two and a half years ago, and I had a pretty tough pregnancy because I had to stay still in a bed for, like,eight months. But in the end everything seemed to be under control. So he got the right weight at birth. He got the right Apgar index. So we were pretty reassured by this. But at the end,10 days later after he was born, we discovered that he had a stroke.
As you might know, a stroke is a brain injury. A perinatal stroke could be something that can happen during the nine months of pregnancy or just suddenly after the birth, and in his case, as you can see, the right part of his brain has gone.
So the effect that this stroke could have on Mario's body could be the fact that he couldn't be able to control the left side of his body. Just imagine, if you have a computer and a printer and you want to transmit, to input to print out a document, but the printer doesn't have the right drives, so the same is for Mario. It's just like, he would like to move his left side of his body, but he's not able to transmit the right input to move his left arm and left leg.
So life had to change. We needed to change our schedule. We needed to change the impact that this birth had on our life.
Roberto D'Angelo: As you may imagine, unfortunately, we were not ready. Nobody taught us how to deal with such kinds of disabilities, and as many questions as possible started to come to our minds. And that has been really a tough time. Questions, some basics, like, you know, why did this happen to us? And what went wrong? Some more tough, like, really, what will be the impact on Mario's life? I mean, at the end, will he be able to work? Will he be able to be normal? And, you know, as a parent, especially for the first time, why is he not going to be better than us? And this, indeed, really is tough to say, but a few months later, we realized that we were really feeling like a failure. I mean, the only real product of our life, at the end, was a failure. And you know, it was not a failure for ourselves in itself, but it was a failure that will impact his full life.
Honestly, we went down. I mean we went really down, but at the end, we started to look at him, and we said, we have to react.
So immediately, as Francesca said, we changed our life. We started physiotherapy, we started the rehabilitation, and one of the paths that we were following in terms of rehabilitation is the mirror neurons pilot. Basically, we spent months doing this with Mario. You have an object, and we showed him how to grab the object. Now, the theory of mirror neurons simply says that in your brains, exactly now, as you watch me doing this, you are activating exactly the same neurons as if you do the actions. It looks like this is the leading edge in terms of rehabilitation.
But one day we found that Mario was not looking at our hand. He was looking at us. We were his mirror. And the problem, as you might feel, is that we were down, we were depressed, we were looking at him as a problem, not as a son, not from a positive perspective. And that day really changed our perspective. We realized that we had to become a better mirror for Mario.
We restarted from our strengths, and at the same time we restarted from his strengths. We stopped looking at him as a problem, and we started to look at him as an opportunity to improve. And really, this was the change, and from our side, we said, "What are our strengths that we really can bring to Mario?" And we started from our passions. I mean, at the end, my wife and myself are quite different, but we have many things in common. We love to travel, we love music, we love to be in places like this, and we started to bring Mario with us just to show to him the best things that we can show to him.
This short video is from last week.
I am not saying --
(Applause) -
I am not saying it's a miracle. That's not the message, because we are just at the beginning of the path. But we want to share what was the key learning, the key learning that Mario drove to us, and it is to consider what you have as a gift and not only what you miss, and to consider what you miss just as an opportunity. And this is the message that we want to share with you. This is why we are here.
And this is why --
(Applause) -
And this is why we decided to share the best mirror in the world with him. And we thank you so much, all of you.
FF: Thank you.RD: Thank you. Bye.
私たちの息子 マリオです 生まれて2年半が経ちます トラブルの多い妊娠で 8ヶ月ほど絶対安静が必要でしたが 終盤には落ち着いたかのように見えました 息子は適正な体重で生まれ アプガー指数も正常だったので 私たちは安心していました しかし 生まれて10日が過ぎ 息子に脳卒中が見つかりました
ご存じかと思いますが 脳卒中とは脳の損傷です 周産期脳卒中とは 妊娠期間の9ヶ月の間か生後まもなく 発症するもののことです 息子の場合 ご覧のとおり 脳の右側が欠けています
脳卒中の影響により マリオは左半身の自由が利かない可能性がありました コンピュータとプリンタに例えるなら 印刷するために文書を送信しても プリンタに適切なドライバが入っていない状態です それがマリオの身に起きたことです 左半身を動かしたくても 彼はその情報を正しく送信し 左の手足を動かすことが出来ません
生活は一変しました 計画は変更を余儀なくされました 子供の誕生が私たちの人生に もらたす意味も変わりました
ご想像のとおり 私たちには受け入れ難いことでした こうした障害との取り組み方を教わったことはありませんでした 数えきれないほどの疑問が 頭に浮かんできました 本当に辛い経験でした 疑問は 例えば簡単なものなら 「何故 これが私たちの身に?」 「何がいけなかったのか?」 より厳しいものなら 「マリオの人生への影響は?」 「彼は働けるのだろうか?」 「障害は治るのか?」 そして 初めて親になった者として 「この子が親より優れた人間になれないのは何故か?」 これは言うのも辛い事ですが 数ヶ月が経ち 自分たちが 失敗をしたように感じていると気づきました 唯一 将来に残すものが 失敗に終わったのです それも この失敗は私たち夫婦にというより 息子の人生に大きく響く失敗だったのです
正直 落ち込みました 本当に落ち込みましたがやがて 息子の顔を見て 何かしなくちゃと思いました
妻が言ったように私たちはすぐ生活を変えました 理学療法やリハビリを始め リハビリの一環として ミラーニューロンの考えを取り入れてみました 息子と共に 何ヶ月もこんなことをやりました 物を持って 息子に見せ 物を掴むことを教えます ミラーニューロンの理論によると 今 私の動きを見ている皆さんの脳では ご自身がこの動きをしている時と同じニューロンが働いています リハビリの分野で最先端の方法だそうです
しかし ある日息子が見ているのは 私たちの手ではなく 私たちの全てだと気づきました 親の全てが彼にとってのミラーなんだと だとするとお察しの通り 私たちが落ち込んでいてはまずいのです 息子を息子としてではなく 「問題」と捉え前向きになれないようではいけない その日を境に考え方が変わりました 私たちは息子のために 良いミラーにならなくてはならない
私たちは自分たちの強みと 息子の強みを活用すべく再出発しました もう息子を問題扱いするのは止めて 成長の機会と見ることにしました このことは本当に転機となりました 私たちは こう言うようになりました 「マリオに受け継がせたい私たちの強みは何だろう?」 自分達の好きなことから始めてみました 妻と私は相違点がかなりありますが 共通点も多いのです 旅行や音楽が大好きで このような場も大好きです 私たちはマリオを連れて 私たちが見せられる最高のものを見せてやることにしました
奇跡などと言うつもりはありません まだ始まったばかりですから しかし私たちはマリオのおかげで 重要なことを学びましたそれは― 自らが授かったものを見つめ直すこと 授からなかったものばかりに目を向けるのではなく 授からなかったことをチャンスと捉えること これが皆さんにお伝えしたいことです そのために今日ここへ来ました
そして これが―
そして これが― 世界一のミラーを息子に見せようと思った理由です 皆さん どうもありがとうございます
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TED 日本語
TED Talks
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