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TED日本語 - ドリュー・ダドリー: 身近にあるリーダーシップ
TED Talks
Everyday leadership
Drew Dudley
私達は気づかないうちに誰かの人生を変えているのです。 この講演で、ドリュー・ダドリーが呼びかけているのは、リーダーシップをもっと人生を向上させる日常的行為として称賛しようということです。(TEDxToronto.)

How many of you are completely comfortable with calling yourselves a leader? See, I've asked that question all the way across the country, and everywhere I ask it, no matter where, there's always a huge portion of the audience that won't put up their hand. And I've come to realize that we have made leadership into something bigger than us. We've made into something beyond us. We've made it about changing the world. And we've taken this title of leader, and we treat it as if it's something that one day we're going to deserve, but to give it to ourselves right now means a level of arrogance or cockiness that we're not comfortable with. And I worry sometimes that we spend so much time celebrating amazing things that hardly anybody can do that we've convinced ourselves that those are the only things worth celebrating, and we start to devalue the things that we can do every day, and we start to take moments where we truly are a leader and we don't let ourselves take credit for it, and we don't let ourselves feel good about it. And I've been lucky enough over the last 10 years to work with some amazing people who have helped me redefine leadership in a way that I think has made me happier. And with my short time today, I just want to share with you the one story that is probably most responsible for that redefinition.
I went to school in a little school called Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, and on my last day there, a girl came up to me and she said, "I remember the first time that I met you." And then she told me a story that had happened four years earlier. She said, "On the day before I started university, I was in the hotel room with my mom and my dad, and I was so scared and so convinced that I couldn't do this, that I wasn't ready for university, that I just burst into tears. And my mom and my dad were amazing. They were like, 'Look, we know you're scared, but let's just go tomorrow. Let's go to the first day, and if at any point you feel as if you can't do this, that's fine, just tell us, we will take you home. We love you no matter what.'"
And she says, "So I went the next day and I was standing in line getting ready for registration, and I looked around and I just knew I couldn't do it. I knew I wasn't ready. I knew I had to quit." And she says, "I made that decision, and as soon as I made it, there was this incredible feeling of peace that came over me. And I turned to my mom and my dad to tell them that we needed to go home, and just at that moment, you came out of the Student Union building wearing the stupidest hat I have ever seen in my life." (Laughter) "It was awesome. And you had a big sign promoting Shinerama, which is Students Fighting Cystic Fibrosis,"- a charity I've worked with for years - "and you had a bucketful of lollipops. And you were walking along and you were handing the lollipops out to people in line and talking about Shinerama. And all of a sudden, you got to me, and you just stopped, and you stared. It was creepy." (Laughter) This girl right here knows exactly what I'm talking about. (Laughter) "And then you looked at the guy next to me, and you smiled, and you reached in your bucket, and you pulled out a lollipop, and you held it out to him, and you said, 'You need to give a lollipop to the beautiful woman standing next to you.'" And she said, "I have never seen anyone get more embarrassed faster in my life. He turned beet red, and he wouldn't even look at me. He just kind of held the lollipop out like this." (Laughter) "And I felt so bad for this dude that I took the lollipop, and as soon as I did, you got this incredibly severe look on your face and you looked at my mom and my dad, and you said, 'Look at that. Look at that. First day away from home, and already she's taking candy from a stranger?!'" (Laughter) And she said, "Everybody lost it. Twenty feet in every direction, everyone started to howl. And I know this is cheesy, and I don't know why I'm telling you this, but in that moment when everyone was laughing, I knew that I shouldn't quit. I knew that I was where I was supposed to be, and I knew that I was home, and I haven't spoken to you once in the four years since that day, but I heard that you were leaving, and I had to come up and tell you that you've been an incredibly important person in my life, and I'm going to miss you. Good luck."
And she walks away, and I'm flattened. And she gets about six feet away, she turns around and smiles, and goes, "You should probably know this, too. I'm still dating that guy four years later." (Laughter)
A year and a half after I moved to Toronto, I got an invitation to their wedding.
Here's the kicker. I don't remember that. I have no recollection of that moment, and I've searched my memory banks, because that is funny and I should remember doing it, and I don't remember it. And that was such an eye-opening, transformative moment for me to think that maybe the biggest impact I'd ever had on anyone's life, a moment that had a woman walk up to a stranger four years later and say, "You've been an incredibly important person in my life," was a moment that I didn't even remember.
How many of you guys have a lollipop moment, a moment where someone said something or did something that you feel fundamentally made your life better? All right. How many of you have told that person they did it? See, why not? We celebrate birthdays, where all you have to do is not die for 365 days - (Laughter) - and yet we let people who have made our lives better walk around without knowing it. And every single one of you, every single one of you has been the catalyst for a lollipop moment. You have made someone's life better by something that you said or that you did, and if you think you haven't, think about all the hands that didn't go back up when I asked that question. You're just one of the people who hasn't been told.
But it is so scary to think of ourselves as that powerful. It can be frightening to think that we can matter that much to other people, because as long as we make leadership something bigger than us, as long as we keep leadership something beyond us, as long as we make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it every day from ourselves and from each other.
Marianne Williamson said, "Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, and not our darkness, that frightens us." And my call to action today is that we need to get over that. We need to get over our fear of how extraordinarily powerful we can be in each other's lives. We need to get over it so we can move beyond it, and our little brothers and our little sisters, and one day our kids -- or our kids right now -- can watch and start to value the impact we can have on each other's lives more than money and power and titles and influence. We need to redefine leadership as being about lollipop moments, how many of them we create, how many of them we acknowledge, how many of them we pay forward, and how many of them we say thank you for. Because we've made leadership about changing the world, and there is no world. There's only six billion understandings of it, and if you change one person's understanding of it,one person's understanding of what they're capable of,one person's understanding of how much people care about them,one person's understanding of how powerful an agent for change they can be in this world, you've changed the whole thing. And if we can understand leadership like that, I think if we can redefine leadership like that, I think we can change everything. And it's a simple idea, but I don't think it's a small one, and I want to thank you all so much for letting me share it with you today.

ここにいる何人の方が自信を持って 自分のことをリーダーだと言えますか? 様々な場所で この質問をしましたが どこで この質問をしても ほとんどの方は 手を挙げようとしません 私達は「リーダーシップ」を何かすごいものだと見なしているのです 世界を変える何か とてつもないものだと思っています リーダーの肩書きというのは いつかは自分に見合うようになるけれど 今の自分に与えられるのは 傲慢で生意気であるかのように思ってしまいます 心配なのは 私達が 誰にもできないようなことを 賞賛することに 多くの時間を浪費していることです そのようなことしか賞賛に値しないと思い 日常できる事をないがしろにし 本当にリーダーとなることをしても それに対して役に立ったとかうれしく思わないことです この十年間 私はとても幸運でした リーダーシップを再定義することに協力してくれた素晴らしい人々と 一緒に仕事ができたのですから 今日の短い時間で皆さんにお話したいのは リーダーシップの再定義にたぶん最も重要な話です
私は カナダのマウント・アリソン大学という 小さな大学に通っていました その大学での最後の日に1人の少女がやって来て 「あなたに最初に会ったときのことを覚えているわ」と言い そして 4年前の出来事を話してくれました 「大学生活が始まる前日に 私は父と母と一緒にホテルの一室にいました 大学に行くのが怖くて 突然泣き出してしまいました 私の両親はとてもいい人なんです 『お前が怖いのはよくわかるよだけど明日は大学に行ってみよう 行ってみて それでも駄目だと感じたら その時はしょうがない 僕たちに言ってくれ お前を家に連れて帰るから何が起ころうと愛しているからね』
そして次の日 入学手続きのために列に並びながら 周りを見回して 自分にはやっぱり無理だ 辞めようと思いました その決断をするとすぐに楽な気持ちになりました 家に帰ろうと 両親に言おうとしたとき 学生会館から かなり変な帽子をかぶったあなたが出てきたんです(笑) すごく印象的でした シャイネラマという嚢胞性線維症と戦う学生の団体を 宣伝する大きな看板を持っていました(私が数年間していたチャリティ活動です) さらにバケツ一杯のアメを持って 並んでいる人に 歩きながらアメを配り シャイネラマについて語っていました 突然 私の所で立ち止まり私を見つめてきました 不気味でした」(笑) そこの方は 私が何を言っているのか良くわかるでしょう(笑) 「そして 私の隣にいた男性を見て 微笑みながら バケツからアメを取り出し その人に手渡しながら言ったのです 『隣にいる美しい女性にアメをあげなくちゃ』 人があんなに恥ずかしがるのを初めて見ました 彼は真っ赤になって私を見ようともしません 彼はこんな風に アメをくれました(笑) この人が気の毒なのでアメを受け取ると すぐに あなたは真剣な顔つきになって 私の父と母を見て こう言いました 『見てください 家から出てきた初日だっていうのに もう知らない人からアメをもらっていますよ?!』(笑) 周りの人達も笑いをこらえきれず みんな大爆笑し始めました なぜこんな他愛もない話をしているのかわかりませんが みんなが笑っているのを見た瞬間 大学を辞めてはだめだと思いました ここが私のいるべき場所だと思いました 4年前のあの日から あなたとは話をしてませんが あなたが大学を離れると聞いて どうしても伝えたいことがあって来ました あなたは私の人生ですごく大切な人ですさみしくなるわ 元気でね」
そう言って彼女は去っていきました私は面食らいます 彼女は2m程歩いたところで振り返り 微笑みながら 「言い忘れたけど― 4年前のあの男の人とまだ付き合ってるのよ」(笑)
トロントに引っ越して1年半後 彼らの結婚式に招待されました
ここが重要です私には記憶がないんです 面白い話だから覚えててもいいのに 記憶を辿ってみても 思い出せません まさに目からうろこでした 女性が4年前に会った他人に近づき 「あなたは人生の中でとても大切な人だ」と言うまでになるような 人生に多大な影響を与えた瞬間を私は覚えてさえもいないのです
そういった瞬間を経験した方はいますか? 誰かの言葉や行動が 根本的にあなたの人生をより良くしたことはありますか? それを その人に伝えた人はいますか? なぜしないんですか?誕生日は祝いますよね 365日間死ななかっただけなのに(笑) でも人生を良くしてくれた人に知らせたりなんかしない 皆さんも 一人一人が人生を変える瞬間の懸け橋なんです 自分がそう思っていなくても 言ったり 行動した事で 誰かの人生を良くしているのです ただ人から言われていないだけです
でも自分にそんな影響力があるなんて考えたら怖いですよね リーダーシップがすごい事で 手の届かないものだとか 世界を変えるものだと定義すれば 自分たちが日常できることではないと 思ってよくなってしまいます
マリアン・ウィリアムソンによると人間の最大の恐怖は 不十分であることではなく測り知れない影響力を持っていること 怖いのは自己の闇ではなく光なのだそうです 今日のテーマはそれを乗り越えることです 他人の人生にどれだけ影響を与えるかという恐怖に打ち勝つことです 乗り越えたら 先に進めるのです 自分の幼い弟や妹やいづれは子供たちが お互いにできることが どんなに影響力があるかを見て お金や権力 肩書きなんかより大切だと思う様になるでしょう リーダーシップを人生を変える瞬間として再定義する必要があります そのうちの どれだけのものを私達は創出し 認識し その恩恵を先につなげたりありがとうと言っているだろうか リーダーシップは世界を変えるものといいますが 世界などありません60億人の世界に対する考え方だけなのです その中の1人の考えを変えられたら その人が何をできるか という考えや どのくらい人に愛されている という認識や この世にどれだけの影響力があるか という考えを 変えられれば 全てが変わります みんながリーダーシップをこのように考え再定義することができたら すべてを変えられると思うんです シンプルですがくだらないアイデアではないと思います 今日は私の話を聞いて頂いてどうもありがとうございました
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