TED Talks(英語 日本語字幕付き動画)
TED日本語 - カーティック・サティアナラヤン: 踊らされる熊を救った方法
TED Talks
How we rescued the "dancing" bears
Kartick Satyanarayan

Hi. For those of you who haven't seen dancing bears, these are the dancing bears. In 1995, we started working on a two-year investigative research project to try and find out what was going on. Because the sloth bears in the wild were obviously getting depleted because of this. This is the Qalandar community. They are a marginalized Islamic community who live across India, and have been in India since the 13th century.
We went about getting evidence of what was going on. And this is footage from a hidden camera in a button. And we went in, pretending to be buyers. And we found this right in this very state, in Karnataka. And the bear cubs were being harvested from across the country and being sold and traded. These were being sold for about 2,000 dollars each, and they are used for bear paw soup, and also being trained, later on, to become dancing bears like the one you just saw.
Sadly, the family of Qalandars depended on this bear. The couple are barely 18 years old. They already have four children beside them. You can see them. And the economy of the family and their livelihood depended on those animals. So, we had to deal with it in a very practical and sustainable manner.
Now, when we started working deeper and digging deeper, we found that it's an illegal act. These guys could go to jail for up to seven years if they were caught by authorities. And what they were doing to the bears was really appalling. It was unacceptable. The mother bears are usually killed. The cubs, which are taken, are separated. Their teeth are basically bashed out with a metal rod. And they use a red hot iron needle to make a hole through the muzzle. Now we had to start changing these people and converting them from using that for a livelihood, to getting something else.
So, this is Bitu Qalandar, who was our first experiment. And we were so unsure that this would work. We weren't sure at all. And we managed to convince him. And we said, "Okay, here is some seed fund. Let's see if you can get something else." And we got the bear surrendered to -- we set up a sanctuary. We have four sanctuaries in India. And now he sells cool drinks, he's by the highway. He has a telephone booth.
And then it started, there was no turning back after that. This is Sadua who came and surrendered his bear. And now he runs a cattle fodder store and a grain store near Agra. Then there was no looking back at all for us. We gave cycle rickshaws. We set up carpet-weaving units, vocational training for the women. The women were just not allowed to come out of the community and work with mainstream society. So, we were able to address that.
Education. The kids never went to school. They only had Islamic education, very little of it. And they were never allowed to go to school because they were an extra earning hand at home. So we managed to get education. So, we sponsor 600 children education programs today. We were able to ensure brighter futures for these people.
Of course we also had to get the bears in. This is what happens to the bears when they come in. And this is what we turn them into. We have a veterinary facility in our rescue centers. So, basically in 2002 there were 1,200 dancing bears. We rescued over 550 dancing bears. We've been able to ensure better futures for the people and the bears.
The big news that I want to announce today is that next month we will be bringing in the very last bear of India, into our rescue center. (Applause) And India will no longer have to witness this cruel barbaric practice which has been here for centuries. And the people can hold their heads up high. And the Qalandar people will rise above all this cruel barbaric past that they've lived all their lives. And the beautiful bears can of course live in the wild again. And there will be no more removing of these bears. And the children, both humans and bear cubs can live peacefully. Thank you. (Applause)

やあ 今まで踊る熊を見たことのない方々― これがダンシングベアです 1995年に我々は現地の状況を探るために 2年間の調査計画を始動しました 理由はこの慣習が野生のナマケグマを 激減させていたからです カランダルはイスラム系少数民族です 13世紀以降 インド全域で 生活しています
我々は実態を知るべく動き出しました これはボタンに仕込んだ隠しカメラの映像です バイヤーのふりをして潜入した我々は カルナタカでこの現場を目の当たりにします ナマケグマの子熊たちがインド中で捕獲され 売買 交換されていたのです この熊達は一頭約2000ドルで売られ 熊の手スープの材料になったり 後に調教され 先ほど見たダンシングベアとして働かされます
悲しくも カランダルの人はこの熊で生計を立てていました この夫婦はほんの18歳くらいでしょう 既に4人の子を抱えていることが伺えます そして彼らの経済状況と生活はこの熊にかかっていました そこで現実的かつ持続的な対処が必要でした
より深く調査を進めていくと この行為は違法だと判明しました 彼らは もし警察当局に見つかってしまうと 最高7年の懲役の可能性がありました それに熊への仕打ちは驚くものでした あんなことは許されるべきではありません たいてい母親の熊は殺されます 子供達も離れ離れに連れて行かれます 子熊たちは歯を鉄の棒で打ち抜かれ 熱した鉄の針で鼻面を貫かれ穴が開けられます そこで彼らの慣習を変えて熊に依存せずに生活させる 何か別のものが必要でした
彼はビトゥカランダル 我々の最初の協力者です この実験には全く確信がありませんでした それでも なんとか彼を説得できました 私達は「この資金を渡すから 何か他の事ができるか試そう」と持ちかけて 熊を4つの保護区域の1つに引き渡してもらいました 彼は今 高速道路沿いで飲み物を販売して暮らしています 電話も持っています
以来 熊との生活を顧みることはありませんでした これは熊を引き渡してくれたサドゥア少年です 現在彼はアグラの近くで牛の飼料と穀物の― 販売店を経営しています もう過去は振り返りません 我々は三輪の人力車を提供しました カーペットの織り機を設置し― 女性に職業訓練の機会も提供しています 女性は地域から出て社会の主流の中で働くことを 禁じられていたのでそこも是正しました
教育といえば学校に行く子供はいませんでした 教育はイスラム教教育に限られていました 稼ぎの足しと考えられていたので 学校には行かせてもらえなかったのです そこで我々は600の児童教育プログラムを支援し 彼らの未来をより実りあるものに出来ました
もちろん同様に熊も救済の対象でした これは熊が保護された時で こちらはケアを受けた後です 救護センターには獣医系施設も整っています 2002年には概算で 1200頭のダンシングベアがいました 我々は550頭以上を救出してきました 人と熊 両者により良い未来を約束することができたのです
本日発表したい重大ニュースがあります 遂にインドで最後のダンシングベアを 来月 我々の施設に 受け入れることになりました (拍手) インドで数世紀に渡り行われてきたこのような 非情な慣習がなくなるのです 人々も胸を張り暮らせます カランダルの人々もこの非情で野蛮な過去を払拭し ここから立ち上がるのです もちろんこの美しい熊たちもまた野生に戻ることができます 熊の密猟はもう起こらないでしょう そして人の子も熊の子も 平和の元で暮らせます ありがとう (拍手)
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