TED Talks(英語 日本語字幕付き動画)
TED日本語 - ジョン・ロイド: 見えないものリスト
TED Talks
John Lloyd inventories the invisible

So the question is, what is invisible? There is more of it than you think, actually. Everything, I would say. Everything that matters except every thing and except matter.
We can see matter. But we can't see what's the matter. As in this cryptic sentence I found in The Guardian recently: "The marriage suffered a setback in 1965, when the husband was killed by the wife." (Laughter) There's a world of invisibility there, isn't there? (Laughter)
So, we can see the stars and the planets, but we can't see what holds them apart or what draws them together. With matter, as with people, we see only the skin of things. We can't see into the engine room. We can't see what makes people tick, at least not without difficulty. And the closer we look at anything, the more it disappears. In fact, if you look really closely at stuff, if you look at the basic substructure of matter, there isn't anything there. Electrons disappear in a kind of fuzz, and there is only energy. And you can't see energy.
So everything that matters, that's important, is invisible. One slightly silly thing that's invisible is this story, which is invisible to you. And I'm now going to make it visible to you in your minds. It's about an M.P. called Geoffrey Dickens.
The late Geoffrey Dickens, M.P. was attending a fete in his constituency. Wherever he went, at every stall he stopped he was closely followed by a devoted smiling woman of indescribable ugliness. (Laughter) Try as he might, he couldn't get away from her. A few days later he received a letter from a constituent saying how much she admired him, had met him at a fete and asking for a signed photograph. After her name, written in brackets was the apt description, horse face. (Laughter)
"I've misjudged this women," thought Mr. Dickens. "Not only is she aware of her physical repulsiveness, she turns it to her advantage. A photo is not enough." So he went out and bought a plastic frame to put the photograph in. And on the photograph, he wrote with a flourish, "To Horse Face, with love from Geoffrey Dickens, M.P." After it had been sent off, his secretary said to him, "Did you get that letter from the woman at the fete? I wrote Horse Face on her, so you'd remember who she was." (Laughter)
I bet he thought he wished he was invisible, don't you? (Laughter)
So,one of the interesting things about invisibility is that things that we can't see we also can't understand. Gravity is one thing that we can't see and which we don't understand. It's the least understood of all the four fundamental forces, and the weakest. And nobody really knows what it is or why it's there.
For what it's worth, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist who ever lived, he thought Jesus came to Earth specifically to operate the levers of gravity. That's what he thought he was there for. So, bright guy, could be wrong on that one, I don't know. (Laughter)
Consciousness. I see all your faces. I have no idea what any of you are thinking. Isn't that amazing? Isn't that incredible that we can't read each other's minds? But we can touch each other, taste each other perhaps, if we get close enough. But we can't read each other's minds. I find that quite astonishing.
In the Sufi faith, this great Middle Eastern religion, which some claim is the route of all religions, Sufi masters are all telepaths, so they say. But their main exercise of telepathy is to send out powerful signals to the rest of us that it doesn't exist. So that's why we don't think it exists, the Sufi masters working on us.
In the question of consciousness and artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has really, like the study of consciousness, gotten nowhere. We have no idea how consciousness works. With artificial intelligence, not only have they not created artificial intelligence, they haven't yet created artificial stupidity. (Laughter)
The laws of physics: invisible, eternal, omnipresent, all-powerful. Remind you of anyone? Interesting. I'm, as you can guess, not a materialist, I'm an immaterialist. And I've found a very useful new word, ignostic. Okay? I'm an ignostic. I refuse to be drawn on the question of whether God exists, until somebody properly defines the terms. (Laughter)
Another thing we can't see is the human genome. And this is increasingly peculiar, because about 20 years ago, when they started delving into the genome, they thought it would probably contain around 100,000 genes. Geneticists will know this, but every year since, it's been revised downwards. We now think there are likely to be only just over 20,000 genes in the human genome.
This is extraordinary. Because rice -- get this -- rice is known to have 38 thousand genes. Potatoes, potatoes have 48 chromosomes. Do you know that? Two more than people, and the same as a gorilla. (Laughter) You can't see these things, but they are very strange. (Laughter)
The stars by day. I always think that's fascinating. The universe disappears. The more light there is, the less you can see.
Time, nobody can see time. I don't know if you know this. Modern physics, there is a big movement in modern physics to decide that time doesn't really exist, because it's too inconvenient for the figures. It's much easier if it's not really there. You can't see the future, obviously. And you can't see the past, except in your memory.
One of the interesting things about the past is you particularly can't see. My son asked me this the other day, he said, "Dad, can you remember what I was like when I was two?" And I said, "Yes." And he said, "Why can't I?"
Isn't that extraordinary? You can not remember what happened to you earlier than the age of two or three, which is great news for psychoanalysts, because otherwise they'd be out of a job. Because that's where all the stuff happens (Laughter) that makes you who you are.
Another thing you can't see is the grid on which we hang. This is fascinating. You probably know, some of you, that cells are continually renewed. You can see it in skin and this kind of stuff. Skin flakes off, hairs grow, nails, that kind of stuff. But every cell in your body is replaced at some point. Taste buds, every 10 days or so. Livers and internal organs sort of take a bit longer. A spine takes several years. But at the end of seven years, not one cell in your body remains from what was there seven years ago. The question is, who, then, are we? What are we? What is this thing that we hang on, that is actually us?
Okay. Atoms, you can't see them. Nobody ever will. They're smaller than the wavelength of light. Gas, you can't see that. Interesting. Somebody mentioned 1600 recently. Gas was invented in 1600 by a Dutch chemist called Van Helmont. It's said to be the most successful ever invention of a word by a known individual. Quite good. He also invented a word called "blas," meaning astral radiation. Didn't catch on, unfortunately. (Laughter) But well done, him. (Laughter)
There is so many things that -- Light. You can't see light. When it's dark, in a vacuum, if a person shines a beam of light straight across your eyes, you won't see it. Slightly technical, some physicists will disagree with this. But it's odd that you can't see the beam of light, you can only see what it hits. I find that extraordinary, not to be able to see light, not to be able to see darkness.
Electricity, you can't see that. Don't let anyone tell you they understand electricity. They don't. Nobody knows what it is. (Laughter) You probably think the electrons in an electric wire move instantaneously down a wire, don't you, at the speed of light when you turn the light on. They don't. Electrons bumble down the wire, about the speed of spreading honey, they say. (Laughter)
Galaxies,100 billion of them estimated in the universe. 100 billion. How many can we see? Five. Five out of the 100 billion galaxies, with the naked eye, and one of them is quite difficult to see unless you've got very good eyesight.
Radio waves. There's another thing. Heinrich Hertz, when he discovered radio waves in 1887, he called them radio waves because they radiated. And somebody said to him, "Well what's the point of these, Heinrich? What's the point of these radio waves that you've found?" And he said, "Well, I've no idea. But I guess somebody will find a use for them someday." And that's what they do, radio. That's what they discovered.
Anyway, so the biggest thing that's invisible to us is what we don't know. It is incredible how little we know. Thomas Edison once said, "We don't know one percent of one millionth about anything."
And I've come to the conclusion -- because you've asked this other question, "What's another thing you can't see?" The point, most of us. What's the point? (Laughter) (Applause) You can't see a point. It's by definition dimensionless, like an electron, oddly enough.
But the point, what I've got it down to, is there are only two questions really worth asking. "Why are we here?" and "What should we do about it while we are? And to help you, I've got two things to leave you with, from two great philosophers, perhaps two of the greatest philosopher thinkers of the 20th century,one a mathematician and an engineer, and the other a poet.
The first is Ludwig Wittgenstein who said, "I don't know why we are here. But I'm pretty sure it's not in order to enjoy ourselves." (Laughter) He was a cheerful bastard wasn't he? (Laughter)
And secondly and lastly, W.H. Auden,one of my favorite poets, who said, "We are here on earth to help others. What the others are here for, I've no idea." (Laughter) (Applause)

見えないものには どういうものがあるでしょう? 皆さんが思っているよりありますよ 全てのもの つまり物質以外の全ての 本当に大切なものは目に見えません
物の姿は見えますが 問題の姿は見えません 最近ガーディアン新聞で こんなおかしな文章を読みました 「1965年に夫が妻に殺された時 夫婦問題が発生しました」 (笑) 裏には見えない物語があるでしょう (笑)
星や惑星は見えますが それぞれの星を隔てる力も 引きあう力も見えません 人も物質も 見えるのは肌や外側だけです 内側をのぞく事はできません 簡単には人の行動の動機を知る事はできません どんな物でも 近づけば近づくほど消えてしまいます 実は 非常に近くで 物質の基本的な構造を見ると そこには何もありません 電子はぼんやりと消えていき 最後に残るのはエネルギーだけです でも私達にはエネルギーは見えません
すべての重要なものは目に見えないのです ちょっとばかばかしい 目に見えない話をしましょう その話を頭の中でイメージできるようにしていきます ジェファリー ディキンズというイギリスの下院議員の話です
故ディキンズ議員は 後援会のパーティにいました しかし例えようもなく醜い女性が どのテーブルにも 笑顔でぴったりと彼についてくるのです (笑) どうやっても逃れられませんでした 数日後 彼をすごく尊敬しており サイン入りの写真が欲しいという パーティーに参加した後援者から手紙をもらいました 名前の後には (馬顔)と書いてありました (笑)
「誤解していた」と彼は思いました 「彼女は自分の見苦しさを知っていて 敢えてそれをアピールした 写真に何か付けて贈ろう」 彼は写真を入れる額を買ってきて 写真に美しい字で「感謝をこめて ジェフェリー ディキンズ議員より馬顔へ」と書きました 手紙の郵送後 秘書が言いました 「あの女性の手紙を見ましたか? 彼女を思い出せるように(馬顔)と書いたんですが」 (笑)
彼は消えたかった事でしょうね (笑)
見えないものが面白いのは 見る事が出来なければ 理解ができないからでもあります 引力は 見えなくて 分からないものの一つです 4つの基本的な力の中で一番 理解されていなくて 弱い力です どんなものか だれも知りません
科学者のアイザック ニュートンは キリストは引力を働かせるために地球に来たと信じていました それがキリストの目的なのだと― 賢い人でしたが そこは違うかもしれません (笑)
意識― 皆さんの顔を見ても 何を考えているかは分かりません 不思議ですね 心を読み合えないなんて信じられない事です お互いに触りあい 十分に近づけば なめる事もできるのに 心を読みあうことはできない 不思議な事です
中東に 全ての宗教の源とも言われる スーフィー教という宗教があり その師はみんなテレパシー能力を持っていると彼らは言います 彼らの主な目的は テレパシーなんて存在しないという強力な信号を送る事です 私達はスーフィーの師に テレパシーが存在しないと信じ込まされているのです
人工知能― つまり意識の研究は なかなか進みません 私達は意識の働き方を全く知りません 人工知能研究者は人工知能はおろか 人工馬鹿さえ作れません (笑)
物理学の法則は見えなくて 永遠で 偏在していて 万能です 誰か思い浮かびますか? 面白いですね ご想像通り 私は 非物質主義者です そして面白い新語を見つけました 私は「疑神者」です 「神」がいったい何かを定義してもらえなければ 神が存在するかの議論はお断りです (笑)
もう一つの見えないものは人類のゲノムです これはますます不可解な事になっています 20年前 科学者がゲノムの研究をし始めたころは 人間の遺伝子は10万ぐらいだと思われていました 遺伝学者はご存知でしょうが 毎年その数字は下方修正されています 今は人類のゲノムには2万の遺伝子しかないと 考えられています
信じられないことです なぜなら コメには3万8千の遺伝子があるからです ポテトには48の染色体があります ご存知でしたか? 人間より二つ多くて ゴリラと同じです (笑) これらは見えません でも本当におかしいですね (笑)
昼間の星をずっと不思議に思っていました 宇宙が消えるのです 光があるほど見えなくなる
時間― 誰にも時間は見えません ご存じかはわかりませんが 現在 時間は実は存在しないと 主張する物理学者も随分います 物理学の計算に不都合だからです 時間を無視すれば計算が上手くいく 私達にはもちろん未来が見えません そして 思い出の中以外 過去も見えません
これは過去の面白い所の一つです 数日前 私の息子がこう聞きました 「2歳のボクを覚えてる?」 「ああ」と言うと「何でボクは覚えていないの?」
不思議ですね?2、3歳前の事を 覚えていられられないのです 精神分析学者には好都合です そうでなければ 彼らは失業です お金をもうける出来事は全て3歳前に起こります (笑) 人の自己を決める出来事ですから―
魂と現実世界とのつながりも見えません それも驚く事です ご存じでしょうが 皮膚などのように 細胞は常に再生されています 皮膚が落ちたり 髪や爪が伸びたりということです 体中のすべての細胞はいつか入れ替われる 味覚は 10日間ごとに 肝臓や他の内蔵はもうちょっと長く 髄は数年かかります 7年後には 現在そこにある細胞は 一つも残っていません いったい私達は何者でしょう? 私達の正体は?心が宿るこの体は いったいどんなものなのでしょう?
さて 原子 これも光の波長より 小さいため どうやっても見えません ガス(気体)も見えないでしょう 「ガス」は1600年に バン ヘルモントという オランダ人の 科学者によって作られた単語だそうです 造語者が分かっている単語の中で 一番知られている単語だそうです バンメルモントは「惑星放射」の意味で 「ブラース」という単語も作りましたが 残念ながら流行りませんでした (笑) なかなかよかったんですがね (笑)
他にもたくさんあります ―光 光は見えません 真空の暗闇で 光を目に当てても 見ることはできません ちょっと専門的で 同意しない物理学者もいますが― おかしな事に 光は見えないのに 光が当たるものだけ見える 光と同様 闇も見えないのは 不思議なことです
電気も見えません 電気が分かっているなんて 誰にも言わせてはいけませんよ (笑) 皆さんはたぶん 電気をつけると 電子が光速で電線を走ると 思っているでしょう 違います 電子は蜂蜜の流れる速度で のろのろ電線を伝わるのです (笑)
宇宙の中には約千億の銀河があります 千億― 肉眼で見えるのは5つです 千億の銀河の中でたった5つだけ! その上 目が良くないと 1つは見にくいです
もう一つは電波です 1887年にハインリッヒ ハーツが電波を発見し 放射するから「ラジオ」(放射)と名付けました だれかがハーツにこう尋ねました 「これで何ができるんだい? どうやって使うのか?」 ハーツは「ぼくにも分からない いつかだれかが使い道を見つけるだろう」 もちろん ハーツの発見は現在のラジオになりました
とにかく 一番大事な見えないものは 私達の知らないものなのです 私達の知らない事がいかに多いか トマス エジソンは言いました 「私達が知っているのは 物事の1万分の1だけなのだ」
さて 結論ですが 皆さんも知りたいでしょう 最後の見えないもの それは「要点」です (笑) (拍手) 面白いことに 点は定義上 電子のように次元がありません
とにかく このスピーチの要点というのは 重要な質問は二つだけ ということです 「私達はなぜここにいるのか?」そして 「私達は何をするべきか?」 参考までに 20世紀の偉大な二人の哲学者の 言葉を述べましょう 数学者兼 エンジニアと もう一人は詩人です
一人目はルドビッグ ビトゲンスタヤン 「我々がなぜここにいるのか分からないが 楽しむためではないと確信している」 (笑) 全く楽天的な人です (笑)
そして最後に 私の好きな詩人の一人 WHオーデン 「私達は他人を助けるためにここにいる 他人はなぜここにいるのか 私はまったくわからない」 (笑) (拍手)
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